Eucharistic Adoration

As Catholics, we believe Jesus’ own words that He is truly present in the Bread of Life. Adoration is simply spending time in prayer, reading, reflecting, and giving thanks to God… in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Visitors are always welcome in the adoration Small Chapel during open hours on Tuesdays 1PM-8PM and Thursdays 1PM-6PM and eventually on Fridays 1PM-8PM. To visit the chapel, for any length of time, you need not “sign up.” However, the chapel is open for visitors only through the devotion of those who commit to be there for one hour each week (“committed adorers”) and those who can fill in whenever the committed adorer can’t be there for his or her Holy Hour (“subs”).

Weekly Holy Hour
Committed Adorer

Committed adorers sign up to fulfill (or find a sub) for a specific hour each week – an hour and day that remains the same every week.  Committed adorers are essential to ensure the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone on the altar and the chapel can remain open for visitors. If you are interested in keeping the same Holy Hour each week, you can sign up by clicking on the button below and following the prompts.

Adoration Sign Up

If you have questions or are interested in committing to a weekly hour of adoration, email the adoration coordinator at evangelization@mystals.org or click the button above to see the weekly schedule and enter your information.