Parish Council


The Parish Council is a consultative group that serves to advise the Pastor through researching pastoral matters, reflecting over them, and making recommendations. Council members also serve as liaisons to parish commissions to help implement the parish's vision and mission. In this latter role, they provide an additional path to communicate commission and ministry needs. The Parish Council consists of a diverse membership that reflects our parish.

Your input is welcome! To contact the Parish Council, email parishcouncil@mystals.org or call the parish office at (763) 561-5100.

Katie Batiste
Maya Ignabode
Mary Ann Kish
Tom Kouri
Ochuko Vincent Okiktipi
Joseph Seibure
Cheryl Stephani
Mary Synstelien
Fr. John Schmidt, ex officio


The Finance Council supports the pastor and parish trustees in their stewardship of parish financial resources. The Finance Council is also accountable to the parish community and the Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Dave Johnson, Chair
Thomas Hakanson
Richard Theis
Cecil Camera
Michael Cassidy, Parish Council Representative
John Maillette, ex officio
Fr. John Schmidt, ex officio

Six Commissions oversee our hundreds of ministries.

More detailed information about the commissions and ministries can be found under the Ministry section of the website. 

  • Worship Commission
  • Outreach & Evangelization Commission
  • Partners in Faith Commission
  • Faith Formation Commission
  • Social Justice Commission
  • Latino Ministry