Where all God’s people grow as disciples in a compassionate Catholic Community. |Donde todo el pueblo de Dios crece como discípulos en una comunidad católica compasiva.
St. Alphonsus is a Roman Catholic Parish in the Redemptorist tradition that fosters spiritual life through sacrament, word and deed and ministers with a diverse community. As the Body of Christ, we educate, we form, we evangelize.
San Alfonso es una Parroquia Católica Romana en la tradición redentorista que fomenta la vida spiritual a través de los Sacramentos, palabra y obra; y atienda a una comunidad diversa. Como Cuerpo deCristo, educamos, formamos, evangelizamo
Archbishop William O. Brady established a Catholic parish in the community of Brooklyn Center. The Redemptorist (The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) was invited to staff the parish, making it the first Redemptorist parish in Minnesota. The initial 1000 families of the parish used neighborhood schools for weekly Masses. Ground was broken in June
The first Mass was celebrated on Mother’s Day. On June 20th the church was dedicated by Archbishop Brady.
Construction began on the parish school in February and in the fall 177 students began classes. The school was staffed by the Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary.
Construction began in the early spring for a residence for the Redemptorist community.
In March, ground was broken for the new church to meet the needs of a growing faith community.
The new church was consecrated on May 25. The original church was converted into a gymnasium for the parish school.
The parish celebrated its 25th anniversary. St. Alphonsus foundation was established. The Mother of Perpetual Help Shrine was restored.
The parish dedicated a new shrine to our Mother of Perpetual Help.
Improvements were made in our facilities to ensure that all parishioners would have access regardless of their physical condition. This included elevators, ramps, and renovated restrooms. In addition, new doors and a new roof were installed, and the parking lot was resurfaced.
The “We Walk in Faith” capital campaign provided funds to renovate the worship area, build a parish hall with kitchen facilities, bridal and parish nurse area, an entrance canopy, a middle school education wing, music room and a youth room.
Archbishop Harry Flynn dedicated the new and renewed spaces.
The parish celebrated its 50th anniversary and a Fun fair revival was initiation.
The parish school celebrated its 50th anniversary.
Fr. Don Willard was installed as Pastor
Fr. John Schmidt was installed as pastor