Together, the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation constitute the sacraments of Christian initiation, by which God brings his children into his family, the Church.
The primary effect of confirmation is the full outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation increases and deepens the roots of grace that were first experienced at baptism and enables those confirmed to become fuller witnesses to the power of God working within them. Like baptism, confirmation also imprints a special character, an indelible spiritual mark, upon the person. Confirmation completes the process first experienced through baptism, by which the Triune God claims the individual person for his family.
At St. Alphonsus Parish:
For those who are in grades 7-12 you must register for the 2-year Faith Formation program. Upon registration you must present a copy of your Baptism and First Communion certificates. Additional requirements that need to be met in order to receive this sacrament: 1)You also must be in the 8th grade or older; 2)Attend one retreat per year; 3) Choose a Saint to guide you; 4) Write a letter to the pastor of the Church on why you would like to receive the sacrament; and 5) do 20 hours of service each year. A parent or guardian will need to participate with their child approx. once a month. At the end of the program you will receive the sacrament of Confirmation at the Cathedral of St. Paul or in the Basilica of St. Mary.
For those who have graduated high school, you will need to participate in the RCIA program.
Confirmation 2020 at St. Alphonsus