
That Parish has Six Commissions that oversee our hundreds of Ministries. 

  • Worship Commission
  • Outreach & Evangelization Commission
  • Partners in Faith Commission
  • Faith Formation Commission
  • Social Justice Commission
  • Latino Ministry

WORSHIP COMMISSION: The Worship Commission meets once a month, August through June. We gather for prayer and reflection as we discern how to prepare liturgical celebrations. Members of the commission represent the various cultures within our parish so that our liturgies may unite everyone in our faith and celebrate our rich cultural diversity.

  • Liturgy Committee (English): This committee is comprised of the heads of the various liturgical ministries in English. The committee meets as is needed to organize and co-ordinate the liturgical celebrations in English.

  • Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel: Eucharistic adoration is an extension of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Committed adorers have signed up for an hour of adoration each week in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed in the monstrance. Jesus is truly present: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Eucharist, in the monstrance or the tabernacle in the chapel. Please consider signing up for an hour of adoration with Jesus or being a substitute on call.

  • Altar Servers: Altar Servers can be anyone who has received first communion. Altar Servers perform a very important role at the Mass and other liturgical functions by assisting the priest. The activities of the altar server include carrying lighted candles, holding books, setting the altar, and assisting the priest as needed. Training is offered at sessions throughout the year.

  • Art & Environment: This ministry is responsible for decorating the sanctuary and common areas of the church with the purpose of creating an atmosphere that is welcoming and reflects seasons and holidays of the church throughout the year. The purpose of the Arts & Environment ministry is to enhance our sacred spaces to help make liturgy a beautiful celebration for the Lord. Driven by our liturgical calendar, the space is changed with the appropriate colors and requirements that reflect the seasons and occasions celebrated yearly in the church. All are welcome to help in this ministry.

  • Church Cleaners: St. Alphonsus has two dedicated teams that clean on alternating weeks on Tuesday after the 8:30 am Mass. They vacuum all the aisles, the hallways, sanctuary, dust mop between every pew, and repair kneelers. Currently, we have 15 members, but we always need more people. You can come any Tuesday and there will be a job for you.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: The Eucharistic ministers assist the priest in distributing holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. There is no set schedule for this ministry; we ask that each Eucharistic minister checks in at the Mass they are attending to see if and where needed. Initial training is provided during an annual meeting in the Fall or can be done as needed throughout the year.

  • Funeral Altar Servers: The people who volunteer as funeral altar servers participate and assist the priest during the funeral masses. After the bereaved family plans the funeral with the presiding priest, the Parish Office staff calls volunteers from a list of funeral servers and ask to serve, if available. This ministry requires special training for serving at funeral Masses.

  • Music Ministry: All music making seeks to support and enhance the one voice of this community giving thanks for God’s grace. Our community is always looking for new musicians (singers or instrumentalists) to join us. More information can be found on the Music Ministry page.

  • Readers (English): Readers proclaim the Word of God to the congregation assembled for Mass and other liturgical services. Readers are trained once a year, usually in the fall. Once you are trained you are placed on a rotating schedule for weekend Masses and Masses for Holy Days of Obligation. You will read approximately every 2-3 weeks.

  • Sacristans: Sacristans work “behind the scenes” in the sacristy before and after each weekend Mass by preparing the vessels that are used for the Eucharistic celebration. Ministers either work in teams of two or individually and are on a rotating monthly schedule. There are currently 21 individuals in this ministry, and we welcome new members throughout the year. Completion of Virtus training is required; assistance in the process is available.

  • Sound Board:  The sound control booth near the main entrance to the church contains the sound board which is operated during all services by one person. The microphones in the church can be controlled for sound level to be at an adequate level for people to hear. Every speaker’s voice is modulated from the board. Training is required.

  • Ushers: Church ushers warmly greet and assist church attendees at church entrances. They help with taking up the mass collection, help facilitate approach to Holy Communion. They hand out church bulletins at the end of Mass and straighten up the church pews for the next Mass.

  • Wedding Coordinator (English): The wedding coordinator position is rotated between three volunteers. When the couple requesting the sacrament of marriage has completed registration and interviews with a member of St. Alphonsus clergy, they schedule conversations and planning with the wedding coordinator. This interview includes reviewing guidelines established by Catholic teaching and specific to St. Alphonsus. The coordinator is also present at rehearsal the day before the wedding and walks the bridal party through practice. On the day of the wedding, the coordinator helps with final dressing, flowers, photographers and orchestrate the details. The coordinator is instrumental in making this very special day a successful and happy event.

OUTREACH & EVANGELIZATIONCOMMISSION: This commission is comprised of members of ministries that invite new people into our parish community. We pray and reflect on how to offer hospitality, bring the Gospel to people who may not come to church, invite people to come to our parish, and seek new ways of helping everyone to come closer to Christ.


  • Bible Study (Mornings): A parish-based program that leads people to a greater understanding of the Bible, an awareness of God’s living presence in sacred Scripture, and how the Bible can be applied to daily life. Little Rock Scripture Study is used, with a variety of Old and New Testament material. Through personal study, small group discussion, DVD teaching, and prayer, the program provides a solid balance of scholarship, reflection, and application. Register for 2 hours per week for six weeks in the Fall and Winter.
  • Cana Dinner: Cana Dinner is the celebration of the sacrament of marriage. Parish celebration is held just before the start of Lent. Evening starts with Mass, renewal of marriage vows, a meal, an evening speaker, and entertainment.
  • Cribbage Club: St. Alphonsus Cribbage Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 6:30 pm in Saint John the Baptist Room (the old cry room), enter through door #3. All are welcome to come for a night of fun.
  • Eucharistic Ministers of Care: Provides presence, prayer, and sacraments to parishioners who are hospitalized or homebound and to residents of local nursing homes. All you need is a desire to bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to attend Mass. Training provided.
  • Fall Fest: A Celebration of Community & Culture, Fall Fest is a parish-wide event held the last weekend of September. With a diverse menu (including foods from Mexico, African nations, Vietnam, and American fare); cultural dance groups; entertainment and games for all ages. Fall Fest aims to reveal the vibrancy of our faith community. The highlight of the Fall Fest is our multicultural/multilingual liturgy on Sunday, where we come together revealing our unity amid the beauty of our diversity. Fall Fest is also our major parish fundraiser, and so requires the help of the entire community!
  • Fountains of Living Praise: Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month, 6 p.m. Rosary for Life; 6:30 Prayer Group begins in C.Ss.R. Hall, to praise God and grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, gifts given first at Baptism and more fully poured out at Confirmation. We continue to seek an increase of these gifts through the Holy Spirit through prayer (including the needs of our parish) , praise, personal witness and sacred scripture to enable us to love and serve God and His people as called to do, just as in a ‘New Pentecost’ at the Birth of the Church.
  • Friendship Sunday: On the second Sunday of the month September through April a team of volunteers prepares and serves coffee and donuts in the C.Ss.R. Hall. This is open to all parishioners after the 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses. A free will offering it requested. Each month a different group or commission signs up to set up, serve, and clean up after. This is an opportunity for parishioners to gather, chat with friends and meet new people.
  • Funeral Luncheon: A group of dedicated men and women volunteers who set-up, serve, and clean up after all funeral lunches. Assignments are on a rotating basis. This service is a special gift from St. Alphonsus Faith Community to family and friends of the deceased.
  • Hospitality & Welcome: In the formation stage, some of the goals are to solicit volunteers to staff the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Space; form a greeter ministry; create a new member program and welcome packet; gather parish forms and other information to be available at the desk; and maintain the Rediscover Library and the Care Note displays (which offers free booklets on topics such as Loss/Grief, Health, Adolescence, Parenting, Spiritual Growth, etc.
  • Pan African Network: Gathering of the African community on the last Sunday of each month to celebrate the African culture in the Catholic Church.
  • St. Al’s Seniors: St. Al’s Seniors is organized primarily for the social benefit of parish members over the age of 50. The group of 60-70 meets monthly (except in Lent and July/August) in the C.Ss.R. Hall on the third Thursday at 5:00 PM, with Mass (in June and September), Dinner, Business and entertainment. Annual dues $12. Elected officers for one-year terms.
  • Grief Support: Grief Support group meets on the first Wednesday of the month, beginning at 1:30 p.m. for one hour in the St. Gerard Room in the Parish Ministry Center, to support parish members who have lost a loved one.
  • 500 Club: People who enjoy playing the card game “500”, gather monthly from September through May to play cards at the Crossings Brookwood Senior Living facility located in Brooklyn Center. There are 4 tables of players who enjoy an afternoon and have lunch together.
  • Vietnamese Community Ministry: An open desire to begin activities and ministry to the Vietnamese Community here at St. Alphonsus as needed.
  • Vocation Awareness Team: The Vocation Awareness Team’s goal to create a culture from which God will call many vocations, particularly to the priesthood and consecrated life. Through various initiatives, we nourish, foster and encourage vocations–helping each person understand their specific path to fulfill their Christian vocation, by either a call to the lay life, priesthood, or consecrated life; and also fostering support and prayer for those currently living a religious vocation. Bulletin announcements are inserted for upcoming vocational events, and annual worldwide special days of Prayer for Vocations are promoted. We collaborate with Redemptorist Vocation Directors and are an affiliate of the Archdiocese Serra Vocation Ministry.
  • Witness to Plentiful Redemption: Catholics bringing the love and Good News of Jesus to everyone they encounter each day, in the spirit of Redemptorist founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori. Gather monthly on second Monday at 6:30 p.m. to pray, discuss and share ideas, learn to evangelize and support each other in bringing this ministry to their families, parish and community.


PARTNERS IN FAITH COMMISSION: This commission is comprised of ministries that while they operate at a national or even international level, they are also associated with St. Alphonsus at the local level. Therefore, they minister at St. Alphonsus, but they also have charters, rules, and obligations that go beyond the parish boundaries.


  • Boy Scouts of America: Troop and Pack 454 is chartered by St. Alphonsus and aims to develop character, teach citizenship and promote both physical and mental fitness. Duty to God is a strong part of the Scout oath and law.
  • Cub Scouts of America: Cub Scout Pack 454 purpose is to build on 10 key ideas: Character Development, Spiritual Growth, Good Citizenship, Sportsmanship and fitness, Family Understanding, Respectful Relationships, Personal Achievement, Friendly Service, Preparation for Scouts BSA, Most importantly Fun and Adventure.
  • Council of Catholic Women (CCW): All women of the parish are invited to be members of the St. Alphonsus CCW. The National CCW acts through its membership to support empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. A St. Al’s Women’s Day of Reflection is held every February. We raise funds for Respect Life and hold a Bazaar in November to support various activities within the parish. A woman may join one of our many Guilds, which are small groups who meet monthly in members’ homes, focusing of various ways of contributing to our mission. Non-guild members support our mission on an individual basis, as their interests, time and talents dictate.
  • Knights of Columbus: The Knights, of Fr. Schumaker Council #6772, is comprised of Catholic men, with the involvement of their families, seeking to ensure the blessing of the Catholic faith through opportunities that provide support for the Church and its mission. As a Catholic, Family, Fraternal service organization dedicated to the values and faith of the Roman Catholic Church, through the activities of our council members, we promote charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. We strive to defend our faith, uphold family values, help our communities, our youth, the culture of life, our fellow knights and honor our country through charitable acts, deeds and service. We are at the service of our pastor, fulfilling various parish requests, and hold periodic pancake breakfasts, and fundraising events for charity.
  • Knights of St. John: International A Catholic organization that witnesses their faith in God, through Jesus Christ, in daily works of charity in the church, community and commandery. The order continues to grow from the U.S. to Canada, Panama, Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Trinidad and Tobago, England and Germany. The St. Alphonsus Commandery #742 along with the Ladies Auxiliary has done many charitable works for St. Al’s, promoting Catholic values. Meetings are at the parish every first Sunday. Website: http://ksji.org
  • St. Theresa of the Child of Jesus Ladies Auxiliary: The Ladies Auxiliary in support of The Knights of St. John, St. Alphonsus Commandery # 742, has done many charitable works for St. Alphonsus Parish promoting Catholic values, and doing charitable works in the church, the community and our commandery. The Knights and Ladies Auxiliary meet at the church on every first Sunday. Website: http://ksji.org
  • Teams of our Lady: Teams of Our Lady is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church, designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better. Teams provide a proven method of increasing and improving prayer life, which will help couples grow closer to God and each other, with their families benefiting as well. A team is comprised of several couples who meet once a month, in homes, to shares a simple meal, prayer, their spiritual endeavors, and a study topic. Its members are invited to undertake a number of specific practices; and the team becomes a community that can inspire one another through their living examples of faith and share their struggles and successes on their way to holiness. Couples from all stages of life (newly married, child rearing and empty nesters) can be part of a Team. Though not parish based, couples live in the same geographic vicinity. All are welcome to contact the Coordinators for more information.



FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION: The Faith Formation Commission meets once a month, August through June. It is comprised of people with an interest in the education and formation of all members of our parish in the Catholic faith. The commission prays and reflects on various ways to bring a consistent approach to formation to all people in the parish and to ensure that all people in the parish are advancing in their personal and communal formation as disciples of Christ.

  • Adult Faith Formation: This ministry seeks to provide opportunities, materials, and experiences for adults of all cultures to grow in their faith. Its focus is to find ways to help adults of all ages and backgrounds to learn and be formed into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. It is open to all adults in the parish, to participate in various events and experiences as well as to help the team develop new ways to enrich adult faith.
  • Baptism (English): Baptism Sessions are dynamic gatherings which include simple evangelization, hospitality and welcome, as well as catechesis. They are an opportunity to welcome families, often young families, into a deeper experience and practice of their faith.
  • Catechesis of Good Shepherd, Adult Spec. Ed Adult Special-Needs: Education Program offering sessions on Sunday Mornings for special-needs adults age 19 and older. Registration opens in September, with space limited. The program is based on the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori based style. Offers an experiential approach to exploring one’s faith.
  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word: A ministry designed and offered for children, grades 1 through 4. It is offered on select Sundays during the 10:30 a.m. Liturgy between the opening prayer until the offertory. Volunteers (catechists) help prepare the brief session for the children to help them connect with the Word of God at an age appropriate level. No registration required. During Children’s Liturgy of the Word, we start with an opening prayer, we use song, we read from scripture, reflect on the Word with stories and a simple activity, and invite the children to share.
  • Faith Formation Grades K-12: Faith Formation is about grounding not only our children, but our families in their faith and helping them to experience and grow in their faith together. It includes sacramental preparation. On both Wednesday 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Grades 3-12) and Saturday 9:30-11:00 a.m. (Grades K-5) Faith Formation classes, held October thru May, offer grade-based faith formation; Sacramental preparation for reconciliation and first communion; Rite of Christian Initiation for Children who are not baptized; and Family Faith Formation Sessions where parents and children learn, pray and work together. Training and certification provided. Registration begins late summer/fall.
  • Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC): Within the Faith Formation for K-5 (Kindergarten through 5th grade), the Rite of Christian Initiation is provided for children who are not baptized and are at least 7 years of age.
  • Rite of Christian Initiation Adults (RCIA) (English): Participants include people who simply want to learn more about the Catholic faith; those who have never been baptized; those who were baptized in another faith tradition and now want to become Catholic; or baptized Catholics who want to complete their Sacraments of Initiation. Visit Becoming Catholic for more information.
  • Rite of Christian Initiation Adults (RICA) (Spanish):The Rite of Christian Initiation for Spanish speaking adults (RICA) is a gradual process which happens over several month. RICA is the common way for the new adult members of the Christian community to join the Church through the sacraments. They are brief joyful encounters which are centered in Christ.
  • Prepare (Marriage Preparation): This marriage preparation program is a couple-to-couple mentoring, equipping young couples with the skills for a successful marriage. Currently 5 couples are providing mentoring within this program. Each couple preparing for marriage at St. Al’s is required to do an online archdiocesan-wide marriage prep inventory and then attend several home visits with a mentor couple who cover topics such as communications, conflict resolution, sexuality, finance, etc., totaling approximately 9 hours of discussion. The preparing couple also attend a pre-marriage retreat offered within the archdiocese. Training is provided for couples wishing to assist in this ministry.
  • St. Alphonsus Young Adults (20’s – 30’s): Young Adult Faith Formation/Group is for Young Adults from 18-39. This wide age group consists of college students and young professionals, single and married and those with children. We come together in prayer, formation, service and to connect socially.
  • Youth Group (Middle & High School): All youth (6th-8th grade and 9th-12th grade) are welcome to Youth Group held every Sunday from 3-5 pm in the youth room (2nd floor of the Ministry Building—the grey house near the gym). There is time for fellowship, prayer, and gym games. We foster an environment that builds community, service and faith among our young people. Special events are posted seasonally, and on parish website.


(*) While not actually a part of the structure of the parish, these organizations support or are served by the St. Alphonsus community.

SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMISSION: The Social Justice Commission studies, prays, and discerns how to educate, form, and transform the members of the parish regarding issues of social justice. This commission meets monthly from August through June.


  • Pueblos de Lucha y Espperanza: * Pueblos de Lucha y Esperanza (formerly Assamblea) is a faith-based organization that organizes peoples in struggle to build leadership and collective power in our communities to change the social, economic, legal, and political structures and policies that oppress migrant peoples. Rooted in faith, hope, and love, our work focuses on cultivating leadership in faith communities through transformational educational programs and trainings that empower people toward creative engagement in the political process. Our two most active campaigns currently are immigrant rights (know your rights workshops, supporting recently arrived immigrants, supporting and advocating for detained immigrants and their families, drivers’ licenses for immigrants, building alliance between immigrant & citizen communities) and just and affordable housing (organizing mobile home park residents and apartment building tenants to form resident/tenant associations, educate about resident/tenant rights, advocate for resident issues, access funds for better living conditions, and denouncing owner abuses.
  • Blood Drive: Every 60 days, St. Al’s conducts a blood drive, held in the parish C.Ss.R. Hall. There is a growing list of 30-35 dedicated donors at this event which partners with the Minneapolis Blood Center, to help provide blood for 3 people for every pint donated.
  • Branch Meals: The Branch, a charity for the homeless located in Minneapolis, needs a coordinator and driver from St. Alphonsus for their ministry. This volunteer delivers deserts and breads to venues on a periodic schedule. Branch Meal Volunteers prepare and serve the meal at Catholic Charities Branch. Parishioners are asked to contribute the treats, cookies, bars, muffins or breads to the Parish Office by 9:00 a.m. the specified morning of delivery.
  • Call to Justice: Studies social justice issues and discerns how to educate and form members of the parish.
  • Community Emergency Assistance Program (CEAP):* Located at 7051 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Center, MN, CEAP (763-566-9600) was founded by St. Alphonsus Parish in 1970. St. Alphonsus contributes a monthly average of 1,500 pounds of food, clothing, and hygiene products, as well as money. Many parishioners volunteer their time at the CEAP toy Christmas donation, deliver weekly donations of food and clothing, make contributions through the weekly parish envelopes, and St. Al’s CCW guild members participate in CEAP Quilting groups for charity.
  • Gifts of Love: This parish Advent/Christmas project reaches out to people at Christmas time, people in need, are homeless, abandoned, unemployed, suffering with mental illness. We collect gifts of new unused items for adults, teens, children and infants that will be distributed through Sharing and Caring Hands, CEAP, the Aliveness Project, Regions Hospital Mental Health Unit and needs in the parish brought to our pastor’s attention. Timeline October, November, December.
  • Natural Family Planning:* An Archdiocesan Resource, the Office of Marriage, Family & Life provides an annual class schedule for local and in person instructions on the various types of natural family planning, including classes available in Spanish. The NFP Teachers are independent but trained within their method. Our parish promotes these resources within the marriage prep program. For schedule and information visit www.archspm.org/family under natural family planning or call 651-291-4489.
  • Respect Life: Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in C.Ss.R. Hall. This ministry is formed in and by Catholic Social Teaching, upholding the teaching of God, by protecting life from the moment of conception to natural death. Seeks through active prayer, education programs, educational materials, outreach and evangelization to support the culture of life.
  • Parish Health: This ministry strives to integrate the spiritual, emotional, and physical health of our congregation and community through health education, support and screening programs. The activities provided include blood pressure checks, classes on healthy life-style strategies, CPR training, Stepping-ON classes for seniors, and end-of-life issues. Other subjects are offered as the interests arise as part of our contributions to the parish. We also do grief counseling and are present at funerals. As needed, we visit the sick in their homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. Our group currently consists of 5 Faith Community Certified Registered Nurses, 12 additional nurses, one MD, and 5 volunteers. We welcome added members including Latino’s and other ethnicities.
  • Sharing and Caring Hands:* Founded in 1985 by St. Al’s parishioner Mary Jo Copeland as a safety-net organization to help those who could not obtain help from the welfare system. It is a vehicle for volunteers to commit their time and resources to make a difference in the lives of the people of the community. Providing a host of services that include food, clothing, shelter, showers, rent help, transportation, medical and dental help to over 20,000 each month, providing all with dignity and affirming God’s love for all regardless of their circumstances. Run by volunteers with few paid staff, the center relies solely on donations of time, goods, services and money from the community it serves, with no federal or state financial assistance accepted. St. Al’s parishioners have donated time and charitable gifts to this organization since its founding.


LATINO MINISTRY: Latino Ministry coordinates, organizes, and supports all the ministry that occurs in the parish in the Spanish language. Also, this ministry collaborates with the Archdiocese and local agencies to offer support that our Spanish speaking sisters and brothers may need.

  • V Encuentro/Evangelización (Evangelization): This group works closely with the Outreach & Evangelization Commission. The focus is to connect with the larger community and walk with them in the peripheries.
  • Caballeros de Colon (Knights of Columbus): The Latino arm of the parish Knights meets together at full Council meetings, and works together with other parish Knights on projects such as pancake breakfasts, charitable fundraising events, etc.
  • Kerigma (Weekend Choir): This mixed-voice ensemble rehearses Saturdays at 9 a.m. and Sunday’s at 11 a.m. in the Music Room, and sings weekly at the 12:30 Sunday Mass. They are the only Latino choir and also sing at all the special Masses and work very closely with the Choir Director. Repertoire is primarily in Spanish and comes from Latin American traditions.
  • Grupo de Oración (Prayer Group): Spanish-language prayer group meets Thursday evenings after 6:30 pm Spanish Mass. They also lead a weekly rosary at people’s homes bringing an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
  • Ministerio de Bautizo (Baptism): Sessions are dynamic gatherings which include simple evangelization, hospitality and welcome, as well as catechesis. They are an opportunity to welcome families into a deeper experience and practice of their faith.
  • Ministerio de Deportes (Sports): This group offers the opportunity to families with their children to participate in indoor and outdoor sports throughout the year.
  • Ministerio de Eucaristía (Eucharistic Minisisters): Coordinates the Latino Eucharist Ministry.
  • Lectores (Readers): Readers proclaim the Word of God to the congregation at Spanish-language Masses. Training is once a year, usually in the fall. Assignments are to the Sunday Latino Mass or Holy Days.
  • Ministerio Pastoral Familiar (Family): This ministry coordinates the Latino couples that are in preparation for marriage.
  • Ministerio de Seguirdad (Security): Coordinates security during the 12:30 Spanish Mass as well as coordinating security for special Latino Masses and events throughout the year.
  • Hospitalidad (Hospitality): Coordinates the Ushers for the 12:30 Latino Mass and helps with organizing the ushers for special Masses.
  • Monaguillos (Altar Servers): Coordinates the altar servers for the 12:30 pm Mass on Sunday and special Masses.
  • Coro de Grupo de Oración (Thursday Prayer Group Choir): This mixed-voice ensemble rehearses in conjunction with the Thursday evening Spanish-language prayer group, and sings each week at the 6:30 pm Thursday Spanish Mass.
  • Ministerio de Decoración (Decoration): This ministry provides decoration of the sanctuary, common areas, or hall for events such as Guadalupe Feast, Posadas, Latino Rosary, etc.