Jesus was concerned not only about people’s spiritual health but also their physical health. By healing people’s bodies as well as their souls, Jesus showed that the entire human body is touched by God’s salvation. The Gospel of Mark (see Mark 6:13) makes it clear that Jesus shared his healing ministry with his apostles. And in the Letter of James (see James 5:14-15), the writer tells us of the early church’s ministry to the sick including anointing with oil, prayer and forgiveness of sins. The priest prays for the individual while touching him/her which symbolizes and confers the giving of the special grace of the Holy Spirit. As the individual is being anointed with oil it is absorbed into the skin, so does the Holy Spirit “enter” the person; claiming, empowering, enlivening and rejuvenating in the name of Jesus.
The Rite of Anointing today is much the same as in the early church. This sacrament is encouraged for all who are afflicted in some way by a serious health issue.
If you need to receive the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick prior to surgery or especially in the case of an emergency or imminent death, contact the parish office at (763) 561-5100. A priest is always on duty to receive emergency calls after regular office hours.